Mid Week Ladies Competition Tennis
Waverley Tennis Mid Week Ladies Tennis competition provides competition tennis in the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne for ladies wishing to play during the daytime. We are always looking for new clubs to join our competition or even new players. We can assist in suggesting a club for you to join or we also have an Association Emergency List that assists existing teams and gives variety and options to a player. If you or your Club are interested in knowing more, please read on, or contact our Executive Committee (phone numbers below).
WDTA-MWL Ladies participating in Tennis Vic Country Week 2025
The 'Racqueteers' eagerly turned up for their 3rd year at TV Country Week. This time at Swan HiIl. Yes it was super hot but had some wonderful competitive tennis on the grass. Bonus being the excitement of winning their section!!!
Another team of WDTA MWL’s ladies also entered and did very well just loosing in the semi final.
Next year Country Week will be held in Shepparton/ Mooroopna Feb 2026. Planning on participating in the fun?!?!? Get your accommodation booked now for this extremely popular event and support our Victorian country towns.

When playing in the heat, tennis players can experience heat exhaustion which can lead to heatstroke. Heatstroke is a serious medical emergency sometimes requiring hospital assessment and possible admission.
On the 6th of February 2025 one of our players suffered heatstroke and deteriorated, despite immediate first aid. Triple 0 was contacted and she was transported to hospital via ambulance.
Some Signs and Symptoms
Rapid heart rate and breathing
Move person to a cooler place in the shade
Loosen clothing
Offer sips of water
Place cold wet towels or icepacks on body
If person is confused, loses consciousness immediately call triple 0 for an ambulance. Lie person down with legs slightly elevated and keep reducing person’s temperature until ambulance arrives.
If the tennis day is predicted to be hot, 2 days prior to play increase water intake.
Consider discussing with your opposition an earlier start time.
During play stay well hydrated, drink Gatorade or similar sports drinks. Use cooling neck wrap. Spray yourself with water.
Do not continue to play if you feel unwell.
Reference : Govt of South Australia, SA Health
Great effort by all teams to finish the matches on such a hot day. Congratulations to all Premiers and Runners up.
Big thank you to Donvale and Legend Park Tennis Clubs for hosting.


2024 Gill Quillinan Memorial Tennis Event

What a fantastic day it was for the 54 ladies attending our annual event on 5th Sept - luckily the rain & wind stayed away! Huge thank you to East Malvern Tennis Club for use of their lovely courts and clubrooms! Much appreciated.
Congrats to our Group A winners: Loreta Piggott of Glenvale TC & Susan Chang of Box Hill TC, and our Group B winner: Kim Horton of Glen Waverley TC.
The major raffle winner of the AO voucher was Esther Kim from Bayview tennis club.
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who donated to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation - a total of $1,488 was raised on the day.
Thank you to: Tennis Australia, Wilson Racquets, Futures Tennis Academy at East Malvern TC, Heathmont Flowers, Mulgrave Country Club, De Bortoli Wines, Bakers Delight, Woolworths, Tension 24, & our WDTA-MWL committee ladies for their donations, array of yummy salads, plus tireless work.
Extra special thanks to Judy Searl and Kim Horton for your efforts on making the day such a great success!!!
It has been a privilege to know we are supporting such a worthwhile cause as the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.
Joy Kaias and Jennifer Lomdahl were presented with Life Membership of WDTA, following their nomination by former MWL President, Marg Clarke and WDTA Life Member, Judy Searl.
Both of these ladies were recommended for their devotion and enthusiasm to volunteer their time for our Mid Week Ladies Competition.
Joy Kaias joined the MWL Commitee in 2010. She has been a Record Secretary for 6 years and recently our Secretary for 3 years. Joy is a wealth of knowledge about our tennis rules and procedures who other committee members rely on frequently. She is always willing to help out with decisions with her wisdom and never-ending time. She continues to be a General Committee member this year and will step in as temporary Secretary whenever needed.
Jennifer Lomdahl joined our committee in 2012 and has served as a Treasurer for 11 years. She has recently taken over the role of President.
Jenny is also a wealth of knowledge and hosts our grading meetings at her home. She organised our Charity Event to be held at her tennis club, East Malvern, where last year we were able to donate $1500 to Ovarian Cancer Research.

The 44th Annual General Meeting for the WDTA - Midweek Ladies' Division was held at VERMONT SOUTH Tennis Club including a special presentation (see below).
Nice to see so many ladies stay for morning tea, support the Grand Finals and enjoy the sunshine.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the Minutes.

Our Treasurer, Jenny Lomdahl, has done outstanding work for our association. She has been a committee member since 2012 and Treasurer for 11 years.
Our Secretary, Joy Kaias, has been on the committee since 2010 and had been Record Secretary for 6 years and Secretary for 3 years.
Last year Judy Searl was awarded Life Membership for Waverley District Tennis Association for her dedication to our tennis group. She joined the committee in 2012 and has been President for 3 years and Secretary for 6 years.
These 3 ladies deserve our congratulations and thanks for volunteering their time and their devotion to our tennis association.
They are all staying on as members of the committee but in different roles.
Left to Right - Jenny Lomdahl, Joy Kaias, Judy Searl
Now located at: Glen Waverley Sports Hub, 915 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley.
Section 1 team Eildon Park Blue are currently looking for another player to join their team.
Please contact Leanne on 0408 596143
Judy Searl was recently presented with WDTA Life Membership, following her nomination by President and Secretary of the Midweek Ladies' Division committee.
Judy has been on the WDTA MWL committee since 2012 and has served in an exceptional manner over the 10 years she has been with us. The year Judy joined the committee she eagerly volunteered to be the Honorary Secretary, which she continued performing for the next 3 years. After having to step down due to our “3 year policy”, she then happily raised her hand to become our new President for the next 3 years. Then once again, she volunteered to be our Honorary Secretary for a further 3 year term. A total of 9 years on executive committee so far.
This year Judy focused her energy on the Gill Quillinan Memorial Charity Event organizing the entries and catering arrangements. Having done this job for several years prior to COVID, she was very eager and excited to resume this event again.
Judy is an exceptionally organized person and performed her executive roles in an extremely efficient manner. She attends every meeting even though she has quite a distance to travel, and we commend her for her enthusiasm. We look forward to her valued work on committee in the years to come.
We feel she is a most deserving recipient for the honour of becoming a WDTA Life Member.

Our Competition permits the use of Emergency Players. This saves the need for teams to forfeit (with the associated fine).
Any Emergency Players can only play in position 3 or 4.
This rule does not apply to Section 1 (as this section is deemed as open) or for Loan Emergency players
PLEASE ensure when filling out the Scoresheet (and entering online) that the type of Emergency Player is noted in the COMMENTS BOX, i.e.
"LOAN Emergency from x team x Section".
This is very important to aid our Record Secretary.
Emergency Pool Player:
- must belong to a club affiliated with Tennis Victoria.
- are permitted to play for any club as many times as necessary in their personal grade or above, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
- may still play for their own club as an emergency.
- must be recorded on the Emergency Pool List by contacting Kym Bircham on 0407 884949
CLICK HERE for Emergency Pool List.
Loan Emergency Player (Section 4 & 5 only):
Players currently playing Sections 4 & 5 WDTA-MWL competition can be loaned out to other teams in THE SAME SECTION should they wish to do so. They can be played in ANY position. A loan emergency can only play up to 3 matches for each other team in their section.
It is suggested that teams first try ringing the team that has the bye for that round as they are more likely to be available to play.
Club Emergency Player:
Must be a financial member of the club using them. They should be of a similar standard as the team members and not strengthen the team.
Guest Emergency Player:
Must be a financial member of any associated club in Victoria. They must not play more than 3 matches per season and can only play for one team per season.
Emergency Rules applicable for Finals:
Pool Emergencies are not permitted to play in their personal grade during Finals (irrespective of how many matches they have played in that grade). They are only permitted to play above their personal grade in Finals. A request MUST be made to Record Secretary prior to using ANY Pool Emergencies in Finals.
Loan Emergencies can ONLY play in finals for their own team (if they have qualified by playing more than 3 matches). They cannot play for another team in their section.
Club Emergencies that have played 3 matches during the current season and have been accepted and registered as a qualified team member by the Record Secretary, are then permitted to play further matches and in finals if required.
Guest Emergencies are NOT permitted to play in finals.
All Grades are welcome! Please contact Kym Bircham 0407 884949
Please CLICK HERE to download a printable version of the current WDTA Midweek ladies By-Laws.
SEASON 1 2025
30 January Season Commences
13 February No Tennis - Country Week
10 April No Tennis - School Holidays
17 April No Tennis - School Holidays
8 May Team Entries Season 2 Open
29 May Semi Finals
5 June Prelim Finals
12 June Grand Final
19 June Spare (If required)
19 June AGM
SEASON 2 2025
24 July Season 2 Commences
11 September Charity Event Day
27 November Semi Finals
4 December Prelim Finals
11 December Grand Final
18 December Spare (If required)
Please ensure that all players in your team are aware of the following and play accordingly:-
"If any part of the ball touches any outside part of the line, no matter how minimal, the ball is deemed IN.
If you are unsure, all line calls must be to the benefit of the OPPOSITION."
CLICK HERE for step by step instructions on how to enter your scores. If you are having trouble please contact Record Secretary via email address listed below. Scores MUST be in by Friday 8pm. Thank you.
CLICK HERE for a printable scoresheet.
Fixtures are now available online - no longer available as a Handbook. You can print your own fixtures via this website as follows:
- Click on FIXTURES link (in the blue banner above)
- Select a Competition (Thursday AM from the drop down box)
- Select a Section
- Select a Team
- Then click on the "download PDF" link (just underneath the Select a Section box).
- Then simply PRINT or SAVE.
Note that all Team Captains and their Contact phone numbers are now included under the details for each team (any errors please let us know).
- Home and Away daytime Thursday Competition
- 2 Seasons per Calendar Year (Feb to June / July to Dec)
- Starting time 9.30 am (can vary)
- 2 Courts per match
- 4 ladies per team - change partners each set
- 6 double sets per match - no rubbers
- Sets are first to 8 - tiebreak at 7 all
- Emergency Pool Players available (see note below)
- Semi-Finals, Preliminary-Finals & Grand Finals - no umpires required in any finals games
- Home venues for Semi & Preliminary Finals - with Grand Finals at courts designated by Committee.
- Online scoring system
- A mid-year tournament - all levels most welcome - The Annual Gill Quillinan Memorial Charity Event. Proceeds from this tournament are donated to Ovarian Cancer Research.
Please CLICK HERE to download a printable version of the WDTA Midweek ladies Participating Clubs & Court Locations - current as at November 2021.
- President: Jenny Lomdahl - 0404 831544 - president.wdtaladies(at)gmail.com
- Vice President: Marg Clark - 0418 580337
- Secretary: Loreta Piggott - 0413 267839 - sec.wdtaladies(at)gmail.com
- Treasurer: Kim Horton - 0408 368657 - treasurer.wdtaladies(at)gmail.com
- Record Secretary: Noela Steinfort - 0409 423 825 wdtaladies(at)gmail.com
- PE Officer & Website Editor: Kym Bircham - 0407 884949
- General Committee: Judy Searl, Joy Kaias, Kym Bircham, Michelle Rato & Marjo MacDonald
Lorraine Clark was on the founding committee for the Mid-week Ladies Competition and became the inaugural President. WDTA Ladies commenced with 14 participating Clubs and she served as President for 6 years and remained on the general committee until 1991 when she was awarded Life Membership. It is pleasing to note that our Mid-week ladies competition has expanded over the years from it’s small beginnings. Lorraine attended the Gill Quillan tournament in July 2014 but sadly passed away in December 2014.
The Lorraine Clark Memorial Perpetual Trophy was introduced in 2001 as an encouragement award in her honour. The perpetual trophy is now presented to the team who achieved the highest points at the end of each season over all sections.
CLICK HERE to view Q&A's.