Duties of the Venue Supervisor are as follows

  • Ensure that the club facilities are open, that courts are ready to commence play at the official starting time, and that scoresheets have been provided.
  • The Venue Supervisor must introduce themselves to visiting clubs prior to the match commencing, and the orange Venue Supervisor vest  must be worn for the duration of all matches at each home venue used by a club.
  • Should know and apply the Waverley Tennis By-laws, Rules of Tennis, Correct Dress Regulations and the Code of Conduct and be able to make decisions, while maintaining a commonsense approach.
  • (Rules for Non-Umpired Matches and Correct Tennis Attire are detailed in the current Handbook and on the Tennis Rules and Etiquette page).
  • Keep a visible presence near the courts you are supervising for the duration of the match.
  • If in any doubt about any issue, please use the "Hotline" for further advice and assistance.
  • For Code of Conduct infringements, a verbal warning can be made to the player/s or spectators. If the problem continues (e.g. repeated bad language or racquet or equipment abuse) a written report shall be forwarded to Waverley Tennis Committee of Management. (By-Law 28)
  • On Issues such as foot faulting, teams may be invited to nominate persons to umpire and provide a footfault judge for the remainder of the match.
  • To assist players in the resolution of scoring disputes as per the Rules for Non-Umpired Matches.
  • To ensure that off court disturbances are kept to a minimum without interfering in smooth flowing matches. Always be approachable, calm, consistent and fair.

If in any doubt about any issue, please use the "Hotline" for further advice and assistance.

Trevor Smyth: 0468 958 927