Mid-Week Men's Competition Tennis
We have unfortunately neglected our 80+ year old players in 2020 & 2021 is this yet another example of elders abuse!! in that we have not honoured new members of the group with public presentation of certificates.
We have new members Ken Mitchell & Charles Cattermole in this group and there are several more, whose names have not been noted. Could all Captains find a moment to check on this subject and advise by email, if they have new qualifiers in their team. We will arrange public presentation of certificates at the next available opportunity.
Hopefully, some of you have used the plastic covered sheet.
There is concern that it is prone to smudging but we have not received any feedback. Anyone liking the idea & willing to experiment may like to try non water-based pen [they dry quicker on plastic] but then do not erase with damp [water] cloth. They do however erase with methylated spirits, but this complicates the process.
Any retired or 'budding' chemists with suggestions??
As previously indicated we do have paper score books available if you want one let us know if you require one.
A reminder to check these documents for errors & updates. If like some, you have cancelled your home landline, please advise if it is in either document.
When entering results if you find any error in player names please SMS or E-mail Neil Armstrong [details on Fixture & Captains/Sub-Committee Listing]. We like to have these precisely correct.
Should you discover after lodging match results that there was an error in the match results, please follow this procedure > Contact opposing Captain & agree on the correction, then jointly email Neil Armstrong to have correction made
It is recognised that with an absence of byes in all sections but one, there is a restriction on obtaining emergencies. Be aware of paragraphs A & E of Guidelines issued in January 2021 as part of avoiding being seen to have unfairly strengthened your team when using an emergency.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Lindsay Coster
MWM Convenor
Any questions about how the competition runs can be found in the Guidelines, issued January 2022.
Lindsay Coster
If you want to know about what is happening in the world of Mid Week Mens, and can't always check this page, contact Lindsay on mwm AT waverleytennis.asn.au and ask to be put on the email list.
We are seeking support from all players to build the information appearing on our webpage at www.waverleytennis.asn.au Mid Week Mens. An effort is being made to include more information of interest including photos, results, ladders and other items of interest.
Please let your captains know or submit information by email to mwm AT waverleytennis.asn.au
Lindsay Coster
MWM Sub-Committee
Click here to see the COVID-19 Guidance - January 2022
Current fixture and results

Pinewood Community Bank
Bendigo Bank Pinewood sponsors our Tennis activities in a positive way so if you have any finanacial needs, please contact the Pinewood Branch, they will look after you.
Click here for more information.
Waverley Mid-Week Mens Competition
"Keen competition played in good spirit!"

[Last updated: 10/06/2019]
Competition Features
- Played on Wednesday mornings: 9.30am - 12.30pm (approx)
- Open aged: from 20's to 80's
- Five grades catering to all standards
- Each team fields 4 players, but 5, or 6, can be used if you wish.
- Three sets of doubles per player per match on 2 courts
- Sets are first to 8 games (to 6 games in lowest section) with provision for variation by agreement. A tiebreak is played at 7 all.
- Coffee/tea and light lunch, hosted by home team
Other Information
- Participation costs are set by home club but are approximately $2-$4 per match
- Teams have more than 4 players to accommodate injury, travel and "she who must be obeyed"
- Organiser is only too happy to help place new comers in a team
Social Play & Final Events
All grades come together at Robinson Reserve Tennis Centre (RRTC), Doveton (Home of Waverley Tennis), for the Grand Final series. Facilities available for other players and friends. Grand Finals are followed by BBQ lunch for all, and presentation of trophies to players representing winning teams and runners-up in each grade.
The Grand Finals Day at the RRTC has developed into a much looked forward to social event where all players renew old friendships and develop new ones whilst watching intensely contested Grand Finals and enjoying the BBQ lunch.