Junior Competition Tennis

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Club communication with Waverley Tennis regarding competition tennis

Club communication with Waverley Tennis regarding competition tennis

by Waverley Tennis
Hi Club Secretaries, Senior and Junior Convenors, The Tennis Association has...

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Responsible Adult at Junior Competition

by Waverley Tennis
Waverley Tennis would like to remind all clubs that a parent must be in atten...

About Junior Tennis

Waverley Tennis runs two Junior (18 and under) competitions.
  • Saturday morning starts at 8:15am finishing by 12:15pm with sections from Presidents Cup to D Grade.
  • Sunday morning starts at 8:30am finishing by 12:30pm with sections from A Reserve to D Grade.

Two seasons are played each year. Summer season starts in October and goes to March. Winter season starts in April and goes to September.

A variety of competition formats are played including Rubbers, Triples and Doubles. Saturday has Boys, Girls, Unisex and Open competitions while Sunday is all Open.

All D grade matches are played using the low compression balls. They are softer and don't bounce as high, allowing for extended rallies as they travel at a slower speed.

The entry fee for a Junior team is $45, with a $10 late fee for entries received after the closing date.

"This is a GAME'

Tennis Victoria has produced A-frames with this message. If your would like to print off a copy to display in a prominent place on match days, Tennis Victoria have provided a PDF of this sign.

Junior Competition Tennis